Friday, November 14, 2008

I'm An Entrepreneurial Dog!

Just a quick update. Mom and I are putting together all of the information about NWA for you. But while we are working on that, we also put together my store! It's on CafePress. I am very excited about all of the great merchandise we have to offer. And once my travel guides are published, you'll be able to purchase those through my store also.

I have to admit, it's not as pretty as I want. Mom is still learning to how to use CafePress resources. But at least it's up and functioning and I didn't want to to wait until it was finished to share it. So here's the link! Stop by and check it out and let me know what you think.

Look at me! I am a business dog now!


Kathie Thomas said...

Cool! I've been experimenting with Cafe Press too - so good to see you have your own products!

Claudia Meydrech said...

Yippee! I was able to get to your store through the link in the post, and wow, Bob, you have been a busy Pup, Aspen and I will have to tell everyone about what you have been doing.

Pop Art Diva Enterprises said...

The store looks great, Bob! You are such a POPular Pup, lol.

PopArtDiva™, your pop artist friend

Bev Mahone said...

This is such a clever idea! You and Bob should have a great time promoting this over the holidays

Pop Art Diva Enterprises said...

Hi Bob! Just checking in to see how you are before I start my move to California!

I'll be back to check in once I've settled in and gotten my internet (my life line!) back up!

Happy Thanksgiving - hope your Mom saves some turkey for you and the Rat!